Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New Venture

Well, I've started a new business venture. As a mostly full-time stay-at-home mom, I have to come up with new ideas that I can do while home with the chitlins and still earn money. One can only put in so many hours at a part-time job before paying for child-care and my paycheck just won't cover that!

So, I have started selling "reconstructed" shirts on eBay.

I have found that I can sew here and there during the day and still play with Princess and Curly. Princess even "helps" out with scraps. She likes to "make" her own shirts by pinning scraps together. I'll even sew some together and she thinks it's great! Curly helps out by stomping all over the fabric as a lay it out to cut.

So, if this takes off, I've just added another notch in my belt as a busy, "non-working", stay-at-home mom. "Non-working", now that's a laugh!

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