Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Do I?

Random conundrum for the day:

Do I clean or do I sew?

I've been sick, so the house has fallen into disarray. Eh. Who am I kidding? The house is always in disarray. But, seriously, since I've been sick, it's worse than usual as I don't have the energy to clean anything, much less get out of bed.

However. I created this awesome halter during a burst of energy last Friday (pictures will come as soon as Hubby takes them) and I'd like to create another. It's another T-shirt recycle. This next one will be created from a T-shirt and denim valences. And I'm really excited to see how it will turn out as I'm perfecting the process in order to hopefully sell them.

And, then, of course there's the chitlins. We purchased a seven game set from Walmart and the Princess is hooked on badminton. I still don't have a whole lot of energy and feel badly that I haven't wanted to play with her. I try to get in a bit of playing, but I can't last that long.

I think that the fact I have so much on my plate right now is killing me also. I'm still trying to sell my wares (not happening at the moment), getting people over to see my site (my stats look like a roller coaster), playing, cleaning, sewing, spending time with Hubby. And to think I had all that on my plate and worked part-time! Now, I'm not working outside the home, but I feel as though I have less time.

I've tried the to-do list. It got so long that I threw it out. So now I've delegated just one thing a day. Be it laundry or dishes or straightening up a room.

Today's delegation hasn't been decided yet: sew or clean.

1 comment:

RecoveryBabe said...

Clean a little sew a little. Problem solved. Balance my dear, balance.